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Vitrocap en france

Micronutrients for the vitreous body of the eyes

VitroCap®N Food for special medical purposes (balanced diet). For diet management in vitreous degeneration of the eyes.

VitroCap®N capsules contain specially prepared plant ingredients from grape seeds and citrus fruits as well as vitamin C, zinc and the amino acid L-lysine.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 capsule daily (preferably with a meal) with liquid and swallow unchewed.

The daily intake should take place over an initial period of 12 weeks and can then be continued individually until the desired relief is achieved.

CompositionPer capsule = daily requirementPer 100 g
L-Lysine125 mg25,2 g
Vitamin C40 mg8,1 g
Grape seed extract26,3 mg5,3 g
of which proanthocyanidins25 mg5,0 g
Citrus fruit extract100 mg20,1 g
of which citrus flavonoids (hesperidin)60 mg12,1 g
Zinc5 mg1,0 g
Average nutritional information
Calorific value2,9 kJ (0,7 kcal)586 kJ (140 kcal)
Fat6 mg1,3 g
- of that: saturated fatty acids4 mg0,8 g
Carbohydrates38 mg7,7 g
- of which sugar0 mg0 g
Fibre65 mg13,2 g
Protein89 mg18,0 g
Salt (as NaCl)0,38 mg0,08 g
Sodium0,15 mg0,03 g